Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Easy Decor Tips For Any Apartment

Adding color into your home is a lot harder than it seems. If you’re anything like us it’s easy to
gravitate towards “safe” colors; the greys, whites and black with maybe some navy blue or burgundy thrown in. Well here is an easy way to add color, and you don’t have to commit to huge pieces of furniture, paint jobs, throw pillows with designs, or anything that might make you feel unsure about the ambiance of your home.

Plants! They are easy, relatively cheap, and will make your apartment feel more fresh and alive. Here are three options that you can either pair together to create a beautiful display or simply leave on their own in different places around the house to create a more subtle effect.


Echeveria plant - This plant looks similar to a cactus, but without the pokey needles. It comes in many different sizes and actually requires less water than regular house plants. You can buy this plant in packs of three at any local grocery store or home improvement store.

Hanging basket donkey tails plant - This plant is native to Mexico, and goes along well with the Echeveria plant to bring that desert feel into your home. Hanging this plant is optional and it can also be purchased in most grocery stores and home improvement stores in town.

Aglaonema silver bay plant - This plant does great indoors, is easy to maintain and and has a refreshing and calming appeal. Add this to the mix of plants previously mentioned above and you have yourself a small indoor garden that brings color and life into your home. You can also find this plant at your nearest grocery store or home improvement store.

If you would love to find an apartment you can call home and try your hand at adding color to, call us today at 512 416 8100. Our agents can help you find exactly what you’re looking for at no cost at all!

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