Tuesday, July 7, 2015

How to Deal with Five Problems of Living Alone

Living alone has many advantages.  You don't have to worry about a messy roommate who eats all your food or invites their friends over at 3am.  However, there are a few things that can be problems when your #apartment is a party of one.  Read on for Apartment Therapy's solutions.

Many recipes are designed for a larger number of people, and single people living alone miss out on the savings of buying in bulk.  The Kitchn has some tips for cooking for one and you can talk to friends, family or neighbors about divvying up a large pack of paper towels or toilet paper.  That way everyone saves.

Moving heavy pieces of furniture on a whim just can't happen when you live alone.  There are a couple of solutions if you decide to rearrange your furniture:  you can try to break the piece down as much as possible by removing the contents, taking out drawers, and taking off legs.  If you still can't move it, try asking a friend or neighbor to help.  Or you could keep a list of all the little things that need to be done around the house and hire one person for an afternoon to get them all completed at once.

Sometimes living by yourself can feel lonely or leave you easily bored. To combat that, make sure you structure ways to get out and see people.  You could go to yoga or fitness classes, join a book club, host friends for dinner or just invite people over to watch a television show you all love.  Animals are great companions, so adopting a cat or dog can be a way to have company and save a furry friend's life!

Safety can also be a concern.  Maybe you fear an intruder or that you'll fall down the stairs and no one will find you for a week.  For prowlers, that adopted dog can bark to scare them away, or you could get a security system.  For fears of being injured, try setting up a system with a friend or neighbor to text each other regularly.  If either party hasn't responded in a while, it's time for a check up.

When you have packages being delivered or need repairs done, it can be difficult to arrange to be home.  Here are some tips on what to do for deliveries.  For repairs, see if you can make arrangements to work from home for half a day.  If you're a renter, ask your landlord to meet the person, or if you know your repair person or contractor and trust them, put a key outside with a combination which you change after the work is done.  You can also try making the first appointment in the morning or last in the day.

Looking for a great studio apartment so you can live on your own?  Give Apartment Experts North a call today at 512-339-4411!

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